

Hi, my name is Brent Neilson from New Zealand and I am the founder of MeNo GrinGo which will offer a range of quality clothing for today. MeNo GrinGo has been a passion of mine since 2004 when I first used the phrase while living in Bogota, Colombia.

MeNo GrinGo to me means “I am who I am”. I am an individual that is not confined by the restraints of today’s society so accept me for being me.

MeNo GrinGo to me is more than a brand but it is a movement. It is a movement of acceptance as well as an appreciation that we are all different, but with more understanding and tolerance of others, the world we live in would be a much better place to live.

We will be launching MeNo GrinGo in the USA on August 12, 2019 and hope you enjoy our range as much as we do.

Please follow us on Instagram for our latest deals and also join our mailing list for special MeNo GrinGo member offers.

Thanks for reading and talk soon.


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